So this is something a little off topic from the usual but I feel like needs to be addressed for any moms out there struggling with the same thing. I hope and pray you might stumble upon this and feel less alone. I have always been a very anxious person growing up. I can remember checking stuff around the house repeatedly (locks, plugs, sink, etc) I also remember having several panic attacks as a teenager. I always knew it wasn't exactly "normal" but I was able to cope with it fine and go on with life. As we added more and more lives to our family it got worse. With every new bundle of joy was a thousand new reasons to be anxious about everything that could go wrong in our world. You see these kids are my life. I got pregnant very young and at a very difficult stage in life but my son came in and it was like I was taking a full breath for the very first time. The love and life that overcomes you from motherhood is unimaginable but with that love comes great responsibility. Thats where my mind constantly started worrying to keep my babies safe and loved. I was still able to cope with it until our last daughter was born last year... She came out ready to live life and share her voice. all. day. long.... all. night. long.... This child cried 18 hours a day and I had officially hit a point of misery. I loved her more than life but it wasn't easy to connect with her like my other kids. It's so hard to bond with someone who's screaming constantly. I would hold her, bounce her, sing to her, feed her or rock her and it all equalled her crying.. Thats when I started to sink. I felt like the worst mom in the whole world because no matter what I did she would cry..... Like she hated me.. Like God had sent me the wrong baby or something... Sometimes I would feel so hopeless of not being able to calm her down that it felt more like being handed a child to babysit rather than hold my own baby..... I felt like a failure and was so ashamed that my baby didn't seem to like me and that I was having the hardest time bonding with her.... Thats when the postpartum depression and anxiety really kicked in. It hit me like a giant storm with waves of shame, worries, tears, guilt and helplessness constantly beating down. Everyday that she got worse I felt like more of a failure as a mom and couldn't understand why she was so much harder than our other kids. Finally when she was 4 months old we realized she had silent reflux and thankfully was able to go on a perscription to help her. My sweet baby finally loved cuddles, snuggles, kisses and anything that meant being close to me. My heart was finally so full and so happy but I now had an overbearing amount of guilt for why I didn't notice sooner. Why did she have to suffer so long. Why did I spend so much time not being able to connect with my baby when it could've been like this from the beginning. Now to anyone reading and judging me right now I AM NOT placing the blame of my mental state on my daughter. That would be ridiculous and I would never put that on her but just like many other moms who have these types of problems after birth. The hormone imbalance after having a baby is too real... So even though my sweet Little Bear was finally blossoming and my bond with her was stronger than anything I still felt stuck. Like this giant cloud was over me ready to rain at the drop of spilled milk. I spent many days crying rather than enjoying life ( for no reason because honestly I LOVE MY LIFE). When she had grown some and was about 8 months old our house had gotten trashed with toys one day from the 3 kids playing while I did laundry in the other room. I walked back, saw the giant mess and had a crying shaking panic attack solely over my house being dirty. It took my husband foreverrrrr to calm me down.. Around this same time there was several other things that would put me over the edge also. If we ran late anywhere I would cry in the car out of guilt of being late... It had gotten soooo bad to where it felt like every day was wearing on me. I figured it would eventually go away but as my Little Bear's first birthday came drawing near and the end of my struggle no where in sight I knew I needed to finally go see someone. My husband has been incredible about handling my panic attacks with such kindness but he was also ready for me to go see someone to hopefully eventually get his old wife back..... I talked to someone who was very nice, understanding and helped the way I needed to be. They said they thought I had OCD/anxiety basically ever since I was a child but that it had gotten worse and some depression that developed more recently. They started me on an antidepressant that covered all three and sent me on my way.... I let it sit on my counter for days I was so ashamed to even have antidepressants more or less take them. Moms are supposed to be happy, giggly and awesome not taking antidepressants. Finally I started taking it and it took awhile to really start working with several adjustments of the dosage along the way but now 6 months later on this medicine I feel like my old self. I am the mom who sings loudly to embarrass her kids, the one always laughing, the mom that dresses up in costumes and chases her kids around the house playing tag. I feel like the mom my kids deserve rather than someone so caught up cleaning all day that they never played with them.... My house looks like a giant mess 80% of the time now but my kids get their mommy love and play time all day and its so worth it. This was the best choice I ever made for myself in my whole life. Though the anxiety will never be completely gone I'm sure, it still feels so nice to live some moments stress free. To fully live and take in how peaceful life can really be and to give my kids the mom they deserved. I just wanted to share my story so if anyone was going through something similar they should know its ok to call someone. It's perfectly ok to take a break to take care of yourself. If you have a container of medicine for mental health reasons sitting on your counter that you've been avoiding out of shame, take it. Take that guilt and throw it in the trash so you can move forward for yourself and your kids. You will feel better and they will benefit from it more than you might think.
Also I just wanted to clarify for anyone that can't relate that I have loved my daughter from the moment I knew I was pregnant. Then when she arrived I spent many hours just staring at her and melting because of this intense love from the moment I first held her. Just because we had a hard time bonding does NOT mean I didn't enjoy being her mom. It does NOT mean I didn't love her. It just means it took longer for us to connect and get in synch in the way moms and babies do. But I will say though we struggled in the beginning I feel more connected to her than anyone else in my life. She is a shining light in my world and I am thankful everyday that we finally bonded and now share the most unshakable bond. Literally half the time she won't even let anyone else hold her. haha Here are some picture of my sweet Little Bear and I so you can see her.
This is B signing out, thanks for reading