As a born and raised Florida girl nothing feels more like home than the beach. So we woke up early and packed up the family to take Mr B on his first trip to a lighthouse. We arrived at boca grande and found just what we needed for the day.. A golf cart! We signed our rental papers, got our keys and took off (at a whooping 25 mph) driving through the beachy town there were little shops and artsy decor all around us. Featuring one of my favorite highlights of the day a pink old fashioned gas pump! I know, my standards for exciting things are a lot lower than the average American.

But while we were out and about we decided to stop to have lunch at a restaurant near the beach.. I don't know how your children act in restaurants but mine is the worst.. He can go from a sweet angel to an absolute terror within the short amount of time it takes to be seated at a table. You would think you were trying to feed the kid raw liver while sitting him on a high chair made of nails. As soon as you walk in the door it's as if he's contemplating just what to do to make you question your sanity and parenting skills all at the same time.. He normally settles for screaming with a scream so high pitched it can probably reach dogs in other cities. After trying to eat lunch we rode our little golf cart down to the beach where my son realized how much he loves sand.

Loves it so much that he decided to put it in his hair, eyes, mouth and somehow squish it into his poopy diaper.. Yes you read correctly a sandy poopy diaper.. Cause nothing makes for a better day then changing a shitty sandy diaper on the back of a golf cart ( no bathrooms of course). After getting cleaned up and smelling fresh we finally got the lighthouse. It was all decorated in Christmas lights and wreaths more beautiful than I imagined. I could have spent all day there just staring and watching the light spin around on the top. After picking my son up as he was now rolling around in the sand I dusted him off and went in the museum buying way too much visitor souvenirs to actually live in Florida. We stayed until dark then packed up our beach shells and shark tooth treasures and one very sandy toddler. He slept the whole way home which is the ultimate mom win getting to drive in perfect silence knowing your kid had a great day! After arriving home I sent my hubby more pictures then he probably ever needed while
trying to convince him when I die to toss my ashes at the lighthouse. Lol